At Fowler Media, we realize you have placed a lot of trust in our Company and have confidence in our abilities to get things accomplished for you. In return, we have developed our Customer First Pledge to you-our Clients and this is the model for which we operate under. If ever we do not meet your expectations, please reach out to us and we will work diligently to make certain you are satisfied.
We pledge to answer all text messages from our Clients and Customers within 2 hours.
We pledge to answer all calls from our Clients and Customers within the same business day or by 10am the next business day.
We pledge to answer all emails in writing within 24 hours.
We pledge to notify all Clients and Customers in advance if our offices or services will be unavailable.
We pledge to give my notification in writing, prior to providing any services, the total cost of services as related to our work being performed for you.
We pledge to regularly and frequently update you in writing on all Sales Efforts being made on behalf of your Stations.
We pledge to keep the relationship, details of the relationship and transaction confidential.
We pledge to invoice for services rendered monthly, in paper copy, no later than the 10th of the month.
We pledge to provide an updated, fresh electronic W9 form prior to any work being performed for your Company.
We pledge to provide you with our Office Phone Number, Email and Mobile Number to reach us on at all times.
We pledge to quickly, thoroughly and efficiently communicate with all Vendors including FCC Counsel, Engineers, Accountants and such as needed.

Fowler Media is a full-service Media Company located near Nashville, Tennessee in Woodlawn offering Station Brokerage Services, Consulting Services and Station Ownership.