As you can imagine, there is a lot that goes into determining the fees on Radio Station Brokering.

The Sales Price. The work involved. Is it a repeat Client? Is it a Commercial or Non-Commercial Property? Is it a Cluster or Stand-Alone Station?

At Fowler Media, we offer competitive Commission Structures, but would instead rather talk about our track record of creative out of the box thinking that has allowed us to accomplish projects that other Brokers have not been able to accomplish.

Our mantra is finding the right Buyers for the Sellers we represent and not giving up until we have located that, Buyer.

Our annual per transaction numbers are lower than typical Brokers, but our transaction amounts are typically up to 35-40% higher.

A Seller listing their Radio Station with Fowler Media can typically expect to pay around 5% of the Gross Sales Price as a Commission that is paid at Closing and listed on the Settlement Statement.

We offer tiered discounts for higher transaction amounts and our Firm maintains a $10,000 minimum engagement commission fee on all transactions.

We offer significant discounts to Non-Commercial Christian and Secular Operators.

Our promise to you is that you will receive a fee commitment in writing prior to engagement so both parties know what to expect and no surprises come up at a later date.

To find out more about what Fowler Media can do for you, please reach out today!

  P.O. Box 66 Woodlawn, TN 37191

   931-645-6414 Office
   615-568-6097 Mobile/Text


Fowler Media is a full-service Media Company located near Nashville, Tennessee in Woodlawn offering Station Brokerage Services,  Consulting Services and Station Ownership.